community newsletter

typical flare system

a community guide to understanding refinery flares

We recognize that the community is concerned with flaring and the noise and visual effects it may create. We have created this guide, with information from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), to help residents better understand what flaring is, what we do to prevent it, and how we minimize it.

facts about flaring

Did you know?

BAAQMD’s flare regulations are some of the first and most stringent flare monitoring rules in the nation. The goal is to minimize the frequency and magnitude of flaring. Since adoption of the regulations, flaring events at Bay Area refineries, including Richmond, have been significantly reduced.

ask a chevron employee

“Our number one goal is to keep the refinery running safely and reliably, so we can protect our workforce and the community. We all take this very seriously and do everything we can to avoid flaring. If we do have to flare, our teams work hard to reduce or stop it as soon as possible.”

read the full Q&A

bay area sources of greenhouse gas emissions

bay area sources of greenhouse gas emissions

monitoring air quality

Air monitoring is one of the tools used to understand neighborhood air emissions and increase transparency. Chevron Richmond funds an independently operated community air monitoring program. In addition, there are a number of other public and private sources of air monitoring data that the community is able to access.

air monitor resources
air monitoring sources (funded by Chevron) (search air quality)

For a map of air monitoring locations in Richmond, click here.

“We want our neighbors to have the same confidence in our safety systems and the steps we take to protect the community as we do. We are committed to having an ongoing dialogue with you and welcome your feedback. Please use the channels below to reach out to us.”

Justin Fehr

General Manager, Operations

community resources

alerts alerts:
Register for CWS alerts online at
questions questions:
For questions or comments call 510-242-2000 or go to
social social:
Follow on social media: @chevronRichmond Facebook and Twitter, @RFDCAOnline Twitter
monitoring monitoring:
Real-Time Air Quality:
alerts report:
To report noise or odor issues, call 510-242-2127

Contra Costa County community warning system - person holding smartphone

community warning system

Contra Costa County maintains a community warning system (CWS) to keep area residents informed during various community incidents that have the potential to impact residents.

community warning system - Level 1

Notification only. Not expected to have off-site health consequences. No community action required.

community warning system - Level 2

Hazardous materials release, or potential release, expected to have off-site consequences or possible adverse health consequences. Sensitive populations (children, elderly) should limit outside activity.

community warning system - Level 3

Hazardous material release, or potential release, expected to have off-site consequences with potential adverse health consequences for the general public. All residents should shelter-in-place and await instructions from City and County officals. CWS sirens are activated.