black employee network scholarship
Since 2004 the Chevron Richmond Black Employee Network (BEN) has awarded scholarships to deserving high school students from the West Contra Costa Unified School District. Funding for the scholarships is provided by Chevron Richmond Corporate Affairs in partnership with the Richmond Black History Awareness Celebration (BHAC) Committee. The scholarship is given in honor of Dr. William F. King. Dr. King is a distinguished African American Chemical Engineer and Chevron employee of 27+ years (retired 2003). He has also served as a Chevron recruiter, mentor and community activist.
You can access the scholarship application here.
Students must submit completed application packets by email on or before 5:00 pm PST, Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Incomplete, hand-delivered or mailed scholarship packets will not be considered. Please direct students to email completed packets and direct questions to Richmond Community Engagement
Note: Scholarship recipients are not eligible to receive more than one Chevron diversity-sponsored scholarship. If a student receives an athletic scholarship, regretfully he/she is not eligible to participate in the Chevron scholarship program. Students with parents who are Chevron employees or contractors are not eligible to apply.
somos employee network scholarship
The Somos Network is a group of employees who are committed to supporting the success of the Latin American and Hispanic workforce at all levels of Chevron. The organization emphasizes growth of Somos members’ career development, mentoring and community engagement.
The Chevron Somos Diversity Network will award scholarships to qualifying High School Seniors.
You can access the scholarship application here.
Applications are due Friday, March 7, 2025. Please email questions and completed packets to Richmond Community Engagement