youth and public safety

supporting local youth and protecting the community
Chevron Richmond supports local organizations that make our community safer and provide opportunities for youth to succeed. We contribute to programs that are focused on improving public safety by supporting impactful intervention programs for vulnerable youth.
The Rosie’s Girls summer camp is run by the Rosie the Riveter Trust and designed to build self-esteem, leadership and physical confidence through an exploration of trades and non-traditional activities. Chevron funds camp costs, including trades instructors, counselors, supplies, transportation and additional resources.
Girls Inc of West Contra Costa serves girls between the ages of 6-18 living in the Richmond and West County community. Girls Inc works to inspire girls to succeed through workshops and after-school programming. Chevron supports Girls Inc with funding, community programs and events with Chevron executives.
Community Violence Solutions works to end sexual assault and family violence through prevention, crisis services and treatment. Educational programs equip students in elementary through high school with tools to increase personal safety, recognize violent behavior and stop bullying.
Chevron supports the Wright Institute’s school-based collaboration with the Greenwood Academy by providing funding to support peer mediation, crisis intervention and conflict resolution to help students get their lives back on track and successfully transition back to high school, college and the job market. Students also learn to cope with stressful situations in all aspects of life.

Chevron in the community